Share the Love

January is finally over. We're still a little while away from sunny days, but somehow February feels cosier, and obviously it's the month of Love, so time to snuggle up.
Valentines day is always a major focus of the month, which can be hard for some people, but I like to look at Valentines day as a day to celebrate love in all forms. In our house we celebrate Valentines day in a full on way. The house is decorated in a love theme, flowers in vases, matching serviettes and table centres, and of course, we all share gifts and cards. I've always included our 3 children in Valentines day and we even include our sausage dog! It's not about the gifts, it's about being together, sharing our time and a gift of something thoughtful.
So whether you're spending it with the love of your life, your children, your friends or your fur babies. I think the day is about sharing love and kindness.

I've filled the shop with the loveliest gifts, that I think are just perfect for the month. It's a month to stay warm and cosy and surround ourselves with things that make us happy. On the shelves I have soft cosy blankets, delightful scented candles and reed diffusers, beau-tea-ful porcelain mugs that are perfect for steaming hot chocolates, and of course Valentines day cards.

So enjoy this month of February and share love and kindness wherever you can, starting by being kind to yourself xxx